How to Create Netflix Login page using HTML and CSS

Hey folks! Today, let’s create a simple Netflix login page using just HTML and CSS. Whether you’re a coding enthusiast or a beginner, this tutorial is a perfect way to hone your skills and design a sleek login interface for your projects.
We’ll use HTML for the structure and CSS for the style – no need for anything complicated. Let’s keep it straightforward and make your login page look just as cool as Netflix’s.
Join me on this coding journey into the world of creating a Netflix-style login page. Ready to dive in and add a touch of streaming elegance to your projects? Let’s get started with HTML and CSS!
The given HTML code represents a login page for Netflix. It includes a navigation bar with the Netflix logo, a form for users to enter their email/phone number and password, a “Sign In” button, options for remembering the user, a “Need help?” link, a “New to Netflix?” sign-up link, and information about Google reCAPTCHA for security purposes.
The given CSS code styles the Netflix login page. It sets the font family to “Roboto”, applies a background image to the body, positions the navigation bar and form, styles the form inputs and buttons, and adjusts the layout for smaller screens. The code also includes various color and transition effects to enhance the visual appearance of the page.
In summary, we’ve successfully created a Netflix-style login page using HTML and CSS. This simple yet stylish project is a great way to boost your coding skills. Feel free to customize it and explore further.
Facing any problems in your project journey? Stay confident! Click Download, obtain the source code, and tackle your coding issues with determination. May your coding experience be smooth and rewarding!